بسم الله الرحمن
islam is my way is the right word in the life I should live, Islam is the
religion of truth, fair religion, a religion that regulates all the affairs of
his community, both in terms of worship, buying and selling, marriage, up to
the death.
Islam is a religion that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet and messenger for a way of life of all mankind until the end zaman.Pengertian harfiyah Islam means peace, congratulations, subject, and clean. The word Islam is composed of three letters, namely S (sin), L (lam), M (mim) meaningful basis of "good" (Salama)
Understanding Islam By Language, Islam is derived from the word aslama rooted said Salama. The word Islam is a form mashdar (infinitive) of this aslama said.
الإسلام مصدر من أسلم يسلم إسلاما
In terms of the language that is associated with his origin, Islam has several meanings, including:
1. Derived from 'salm' (السلم) which means peace.
In the Qur'an Allah says (QS. 8: 61)
"And if they incline to peace, then incline to him and put thy trust in Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing. "
The word 'salm' in the above verse means peace or peace. And this is one of the meaning and characteristics of Islam, that Islam is a religion that always brings humanity at peace.
In one verse Allah says: (QS. 49: 9)
"And if two parties of the believers fight then make peace between them. If one of the two parties is doing injustice to other communities then fight the ones who do injustice so that the group returned to the command of Allah; if the group was returning (to Allah's orders), then make peace between them with justice and be fair. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly. "
As one proof that Islam is a religion that upholds the new peace is that Islam permits Muslims to fight if they fought by its enemies.
In the Qur'an Allah says: (QS. 22: 39)
"Permission (to fight) for those who fight because they have been wronged. And verily, Allah, the Almighty really help them. "
so if that is less than Islam? no religion is more perfect than Islam, whether Christianity, Hindu, or Confucian.
no religion has set his life in detail except Islam.
islam is my way is the right word for us all.
Islam is a religion that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet and messenger for a way of life of all mankind until the end zaman.Pengertian harfiyah Islam means peace, congratulations, subject, and clean. The word Islam is composed of three letters, namely S (sin), L (lam), M (mim) meaningful basis of "good" (Salama)
Understanding Islam By Language, Islam is derived from the word aslama rooted said Salama. The word Islam is a form mashdar (infinitive) of this aslama said.
الإسلام مصدر من أسلم يسلم إسلاما
In terms of the language that is associated with his origin, Islam has several meanings, including:
1. Derived from 'salm' (السلم) which means peace.
In the Qur'an Allah says (QS. 8: 61)
"And if they incline to peace, then incline to him and put thy trust in Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing. "
The word 'salm' in the above verse means peace or peace. And this is one of the meaning and characteristics of Islam, that Islam is a religion that always brings humanity at peace.
In one verse Allah says: (QS. 49: 9)
"And if two parties of the believers fight then make peace between them. If one of the two parties is doing injustice to other communities then fight the ones who do injustice so that the group returned to the command of Allah; if the group was returning (to Allah's orders), then make peace between them with justice and be fair. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly. "
As one proof that Islam is a religion that upholds the new peace is that Islam permits Muslims to fight if they fought by its enemies.
In the Qur'an Allah says: (QS. 22: 39)
"Permission (to fight) for those who fight because they have been wronged. And verily, Allah, the Almighty really help them. "
so if that is less than Islam? no religion is more perfect than Islam, whether Christianity, Hindu, or Confucian.
no religion has set his life in detail except Islam.
islam is my way is the right word for us all.
Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings
Meaning :
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
islam is my way
inilah kata yang tepat dalam kehidupan yang saya harus jalani , islam adalah
agama yang haq,agama yang adil , agama yang mengatur semua urusan ummatnya ,
baik dalam segi ibadah,jual beli,pernikahan,sampai dengan kematian. Islam
adalah agama yang diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw sebagai nabi dan rasul
terakhir untuk menjadi pedoman hidup seluruh manusia hingga akhir
zaman.Pengertian Islam secara harfiyah
artinya damai, selamat, tunduk, dan bersih. Kata Islam terbentuk dari tiga
huruf, yaitu S (sin), L (lam), M (mim) yang bermakna dasar “selamat” (Salama)
Pengertian Islam
Menurut Bahasa, Islam berasal dari kata aslama yang berakar dari kata salama.
Kata Islam merupakan bentuk mashdar (infinitif) dari kata aslama ini.
الإسلام مصدر من أسلم يسلم إسلام
Ditinjau dari segi
bahasanya yang dikaitkan dengan asal katanya, Islam memiliki beberapa
pengertian, diantaranya adalah:
1. Berasal dari
‘salm’ (السَّلْم) yang berarti damai.
Dalam al-Qur’an
Allah SWT berfirman (QS. 8 : 61)
“Dan jika mereka condong kepada perdamaian,
maka condonglah kepadanya dan bertawakkallah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Dialah
Yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui.”
Kata ‘salm’ dalam
ayat di atas memiliki arti damai atau perdamaian. Dan ini merupakan salah satu
makna dan ciri dari Islam, yaitu bahwa Islam merupakan agama yang senantiasa
membawa umat manusia pada perdamaian.
Dalam sebuah ayat
Allah SWT berfirman : (QS. 49 : 9)
“Dan jika ada dua golongan dari orang-orang
mu’min berperang maka damaikanlah antara keduanya. Jika salah satu dari kedua
golongan itu berbuat aniaya terhadap golongan yang lain maka perangilah
golongan yang berbuat aniaya itu sehingga golongan itu kembali kepada perintah
Allah; jika golongan itu telah kembali (kepada perintah Allah), maka damaikanlah
antara keduanya dengan adil dan berlaku adillah. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai
orang-orang yang berlaku adil.” Sebagai salah satu bukti bahwa Islam merupakan
agama yang sangat menjunjung tinggi perdamaian adalah bahwa Islam baru
memperbolehkan kaum muslimin berperang jika mereka diperangi oleh para
Dalam Al-Qur’an
Allah berfirman: (QS. 22 : 39)
“Telah diizinkan (berperang) bagi orang-orang
yang diperangi, karena sesungguhnya mereka telah dianiaya. Dan sesungguhnya
Allah, benar-benar Maha Kuasa menolong mereka itu.”
jadi apakah yang
kurang dari islam ? tidak ada agama yang lebih sempurna dari pada islam , baik
agama kristen, hindu, ataupun konghucu.
tidak ada agama
yang mengatur kehidupan pengikutnya secara terperinci kecuali islam .
islam is my way
inilah kata yang tepat untuk kita semua.
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
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